Master Diver Sam Sangrey tells us great Deep-Sea Stories from his time at Harbor Clearance Unit One, USS Sperry AS 12, USS Cape Code AD 43, USS McKee AS 41, and USS Coucal ASR 8. Master Sangrey talks about conducting Battle Damage Repairs on the SS Robinhood in Vietnam. Master Diver Sangrey also remembers great Deep-Sea Divers he served with; Charlie Gross, Robert "Rotten" Moore, Lee Reinhardt, MDV Bill "Blacky" Ensenor, MDV Jim Kerr, MDV Donald McKenzie, MDV R.C. Hall, MDV Ortiz, MDV Frank Bosky, Frank Mantel BM1 Brown, Corpsman David Ball, and Salvage Officer/Mustang LCDR and former CO of HCU 1 Swift.