Did you Grasp the title of this blog? A failed attempt to video cast an interview with Captain Mark Helmkamp, USN (Ret.), turned into a three-hour Deep-Sea Stories session over a cold Texas Bourbon. Mark introduced to me a new brand of b…
"Trust the Law of Physics." That's what Master Diver Scully used to say to the Submarine Rescue Chamber (SRC) operators during his dive pre-brief. The operators would dog (close and secure) and double check the two hatches were shut befo…
This wall is full of Deep-Sea Stories! Master Chief Master Diver Steve Zentz and I are standing next to the Master Diver Wall at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Unit in Panama City, Florida. Steve and I pointed to names and asked e…
Forging themselves as Iron Men, these U.S. Navy Deep-Divers persevered through the most demanding assignments. Deep-sea diving to 300 feet of seawater, breathing a mixture of gases that make party balloons float away, with expeditionary capabi…